Most frequently asked questions
Interview related questions

Why do i suddenly go blank during interviews?

How to search and apply for jobs?

Why am i getting rejected each time?

What all should I prepare a day prior to my interview?

What can i do to overcome my fear?

How to make a mark during an interview?

How to maximize the probability of getting selected for the job?

How to prepare for interviews?

 What are the most common questions asked during interview?

How to prepare for interviews?

Startup related problem questions

How to avoid delay in development/ launch / delivery of product?   Why there is no sales?

How to negotiate for overpriced quotations by vendors or supplies?

There is a gap in expectations and results. What to do?

Why my brand is not visible?

Why there are cases of non-payment or delays by customers?

Why there is always so much chaos at work?

Why there is no sales?

How to compete against low cost provider?

How to compete against low cost provider?

How to deal with cases of cheating by vendors employees or customers?

How to explain about unique value of my product or service?

How to get rid of feeling of helplessness on account of dependency on others for business?

Visibility related questions 

How to become more visible in my network? 

Why I am working in an entirely different field than what my talent is?

Why my brand is not visible?

Why my talent is not visible?

Why there is always so much chaos at work?

Why nobody pays attention to my skills?

How to project my talent on social media platforms?

How to project my talent on social media platforms?

How to write my achievements?

Why I am unable to get job according to my skill set?

Why I am unable to get job of my dreams?

Why I do not get promoted despite working hard?

Why iam unable to attract good job opportunities of role of my choice unlike others?