High Performers Talent Portfolio Website Team - Technical

Learn how this High Performers Talent Portfolio Website can change your life

Rs. 9,500.00Rs. 12,500.00
Let your skills and talent be visible to be easily searched by your fellow colleagues, team member, seniors online including your existing and past employers, subordinates and friends. Build your online presence and own a website to showcase your talent. Your online presence can have an unbelievable impact on your career progression, relationships and networking even in your existing job. "So, What skills you have? " ,“What are you capable of?”  , What value can you add to the organization?" , "How will you prove that you are an asset to organization?" are the most  common questions that your seniors would have asked you. However, like several others, you would have found it difficult to summarize everything about you in just few minutes.  You might not be able to immediately recall important achievements or skills that you take pride in. Can you afford to lose an opportunity to get promoted or recognized just because you couldn’t speak up all that you wished? Herein lies the significance of a good Talent portfolio website. It builds your image, adds more credibility to your personality, gives you the much needed platform to showcase your talent and above all, attracts more inhouse job opportunities.                                                    You may see innumerable benefits of having a High Performers Talent Portfolio website It gives you the much needed platform to showcase your talent and skills It proves that your skills are real. It builds trust by adding more credibility to your persona. It makes your profile readily accessible for any prospective employer, customer, vendor, business associates to contact you. It acts a virtual assistant on your behalf to share about your special skills even in your absence. It’s a powerful tool to get good in house job opportunities You can easily update and make announcements about new skills, awards, certificates, honors.

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You get more than just a website.

It's about your professional achivements and recognition. We make your skills 

and talent visible in your existing company.

We help you build a strong professional identity through visibility boostershi ghlighting achievements that you already have. 

What all you get  

check_circle   Creatively designed Talent Portfolio Website
check_circle   6 months Free hosting
check_circle   Personal Identity logo
check_circle   Domain name for 1 yr*
check_circle   Personalised Consultation
check_circle   Content Editing for achievement section
check_circle   Digital talent card with resume headline
check_circle   20% discount on any other skills training

FREE trial for 2 days 

 You can try look and feel of your website for 2 days and pay once you like it. You can also consult for FREE . Clear your doubts, ask your problem questions. 

Choose your business

website design from customized samples

Here's how you can boost visibility of your Skills

Choose your website design from customized samples and add lots of features

Showcase your 

skills through 


project sliders, 


and images

Display videos of

your projects on

Homepage to add

more credibility


testimonials to

 boost your 



Add gallery of project 

images or photos 

to enhance 

you professional


We help you design the life you want

check_circle   It gives you the much needed platform to showcase your talent.
check_circle   It builds trust by adding more credibility to your persona.
check_circle   It makes your profile readily accessible for existing employer, customer, business associates.
check_circle   It acts as a virtual assistant on your behalf to talk about your special skills.
check_circle   It’s a powerful tool to get good inhouse job opportunities in your existing company.
check_circle   You can easily update and announce about new skills, awards and honors.

Why Choose us?

We understand your situation and focus on results

You get more than 

just a website

You get lot more things than just a website . This includes logo, domain, hosting, content editing, graphics, discount on skills training course and exclusive consultation.
Free Trial 

for 2 days

You can try look and feel of your website for 2 days and pay once you like it after the expiry of free trial period. 

Resume Headline & achievements

This is the most exclusive part of your website. We help you write an attractive resume headline and edit content for your acheivements section.
star star star star star   (5)

Let your skills and talent be visible to be easily searched by your fellow colleagues, team member, seniors online including your existing and past employers, subordinates and friends. Build your online presence and own a website to showcase your talent.

Your online presence can have an unbelievable impact on your career progression, relationships and networking even in your existing job.

"So, What skills you have? " ,“What are you capable of?” , What value can you add to the organization?" , "How will you prove that you are an asset to organization?" are the most common questions that your seniors would have asked you.

However, like several others, you would have found it difficult to summarize everything about you in just few minutes. You might not be able to immediately recall important achievements or skills that you take pride in.

Can you afford to lose an opportunity to get promoted or recognized just because you couldn’t speak up all that you wished? Herein lies the significance of a good Talent portfolio website. It builds your image, adds more credibility to your personality, gives you the much needed platform to showcase your talent and above all, attracts more inhouse job opportunities.